The online way to pray for others

>> Saturday, January 31, 2009

You can do lots of things online these days: socialising, networking, shopping. But praying? Yes, that too.

On a rainy morning in New York City, volunteers get together to work on

The website is based on a simple premise: people submit their requests for prayers, and others pray for them - an act known as intercessory prayer.
The postings run the gamut of human suffering. Some are concerned for sick relatives.

"Please pray for Jeff. He is in an intensive care unit with serious problems with his liver, pancreas, kidneys and bowels. Please pray that his body will pull through," reads one.

Others need help with a faltering relationship: "Please pray for the healing and mending of my love relationship. We are meant to be together and right now we need strength, positive energy, and love."

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