Ian Somerhalder clears media issues between Nikki Reed and Nina Dobrev

>> Thursday, February 09, 2017

Ian Somerhalder posts a picture on his instagram showing to the world that there is no bad vibes between his wife Nikki Reed and ex-girlfriend Nina Dobrev.

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Chilling with these two... After years of websites pretending these two badass ladies knew each other well and baseless, false information of back stabbing and hatred from low-brow websites filled the minds and hearts of fans... They finally were able to get together for their first real dinner. Let's stop spreading hate everyone, there's already too much of that right now in our world. Join in on the love. Only love here- always has been always will be. Media companies preying on the passion from vulnerable and or impressionable minds of fans to sell advertising through click-though traffic is a disease in our society. It's poisonous.
Let's finish this series with respect and kindness and continue that in our lives. I think it's time. What do think?


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