Misako Yasuda speaks up to her husband 's affair coverage

>> Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Talent of Misako Yasuda is 28 days, at his blog, commented on Naoyuki's infidelity news Shimotori of designer husband was reported in the weekly magazine.

Yasuda apologized at the beginning "At this time, I was very sorry for making a noise about my family by reporting".

"When I heard a story from my husband, I was really shocked, sad, and I was full of feelings?" I revealed my mind and spelled out my husband 's reflection that I said that " I told you about it before, but I can not think of the life without him for me. "

"Since I think that I would like to make a couple shape from scratch again, I am still two immature people, but I'd appreciate it if you can watch warmly."

On September 27, the scene of the meeting was reported along with two shot pictures of Mr. Shimo and Mr. Shimo at some weekly magazines.

Yasuda married Mr. Shimotsugi on March 14, 2014. In November this year I announced the first child pregnancy. (Modelpress editorial department)

I am very sorry this time, it made a noise about the family by coverage.

When I heard a story from my husband it was really shocking, sad, and what? It was full of feelings.

My master who got angry from me is very reflective and seems to feel a lot of things.

I was told that if I cheated, I had told you that there would not be ahead from now, but I can not think of my life without him now.

Many, we talked a lot and it was decided that we would deeply face each other as a family even for the child born from now.

Moreover, since I think that I would like to make a couple shape from scratch, I am still immature two people, but I am pleased if you can watch warmly.

Misako Yasuda


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