Natural Ways to Feel Energized

>> Sunday, December 08, 2013

Light Up
Light is nature's way of telling your internal clock that it's time to start the day, says Michael Terman, Ph.D., author of the upcoming bookReset Your Inner Clock. Leave the shades open or flip on a light switch in the morning to simulate sunlight.

Hop Out of Bed
Resist the urge to hit the "snooze" button--those extra minutes of sleep will just leave you groggy later, says Terman. You're much better off getting out of bed when you first wake up.

Get Moving
And once you're up, do some morning yoga, suggests Kimberly Kingsley, energy coach, author ofThe Energy Cure.

Eat Something with Coconut Oil
The triglycerides in coconut oil are a fast-acting energy source that your body can use more quickly than coffee, says Kingsley. Don't have coconut oil you can use at home? Nosh on a coconut-flavored snack.

Have a Protein-Rich Breakfast
A protein-packed a.m. meal helps your brain cells function properly, says Joy Bauer, R.D., author ofThe Joy Fit Club.

Avoid Late-Night Eats
Eating a heavy meal right before bed can leave you with a "food hangover" the next morning, says Bauer. If you're itching for a late-night bite, keep it light and under 150 calories so you won't feel bloated and tired in the a.m.
Guzzle Water
Skimping on H20 can leave you feeling drowsy, says Bauer.

Sleep More Every Day
The only way to make up for lost Zzz's is with more sleep. Terman suggests getting to bed 45 minutes earlier Monday to Friday, which adds up to four hours of extra sleep for the week--so there's no reason you won't feel fully rested.


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