Ways to Promote your blog

>> Friday, December 07, 2012

Email Signature: Include a link to your blog URL in your email signature so that every time you message a customer, vendor, new contact, colleague, or even friends from high school you’re promoting your blog and encouraging them to check it out.

Email Newsletter: Already investing in email marketing? Why not incorporate some of your blog content to help customers catch up on what they may have missed? This may mean republishing posts via email or setting up a From The Blog section in your newsletter that provides a snippet of article text before driving readers back to your website.

Print Promotional Material: Hey, just because that brochure or handout resides offline, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be using it to promote what you’re doing online. Make sure customers are aware you’re a business whose blogging by putting the URL and blog-related CTAs on printed promotional material.

Customer Receipts: Whether they made a purchase in your store or through your website, put your blog URL on receipts to build awareness and encourage people to check it out.

Packaging: Why not send customers home with something else to check out?

Community Happenings: Sponsoring an event or just taking part in a community activity? Make sure to include literature that mentions your blog or direct people there during conversations.

In Comments of Other Blogs: Have a list of blogs that you read and respond to regularly? Include the link to your blog either in the text or in the URL field as a reference point for who you are and what you’re knowledgeable about. You don’t want to get in the habit of spamming blogs with your blog URL, but if you’re adding to the conversation, it doesn’t hurt to leave it.

User Social Profiles: Have a Twitter account? What about Facebook? LinkedIn? Pinterest? Google+? I bet there’s space to include a URL.

Professional Communities: Don’t forget about professional communities. Whether you’re a small business taking advantage of a networking site like BizSugar, part of the local Chamber of Commerce, or other professional communities, share your blog!

During Presentations: Speaking at a local or national event? Using a PowerPoint or a Keynote presentation? Don’t forget to mention your blog!

On Business Cards: It’s not just for your phone number anymore. Include your blog URL + all social profiles!

Press Releases: Have big news to reveal? Direct readers back to your blog for more information about what’s happening.

Guest Posts/Contributed Posts: Get the word out about your blog by guestposting on authoritative sites in your industry. Not only will you get in front of their readers, but you’ll be able to point people back to your blog, as well.

Syndication Opportunities: Are there any blogs or news sources in your industry that syndicate content? By making your blog a trusted source for them to pull from, you get your blog in front of a whole new audience!

News Aggregators: Regardless of topic, get your blog listed in popular news aggregators to help people find it. For example, AllTop is a great source for looking up blogs on any topic where you can suggest your site be added.

Industry Lists: If there are people in your industry blogging, there are others creating lists of their blogging. Seek out industry-specific blog directories and make sure your blog is added to the list. For those of us in the SEO community, the Big List created by the folks at Top Rank Marketing is an industry staple.

By Lisa Barone
From: http://smallbiztrends.com


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