Feather emmerges from the neck of a 7 month old baby

>> Saturday, December 15, 2012


Mya Whittington, a 7 month old baby had been taken to the hospital, when her neck started to swell. For months, the baby had been suffering and is somewhat pulling at the skin below her ear. Her parents noticed that the baby's neck has doubled in size and that there was something who looks like a pimple in it. The baby was admitted in a hospital and that the doctor's think that she got a staph infection on her lymph nodes. The doctors tried to drain the bump but there was nothing in it. After that they noticed something like a half string poking out on Mya's neck. The doctor pulled up the 2 inch feather from the baby's neck. The doctors are guessing that maybe the baby inhaled or swallowed the feather and that her body rejected it and force it out through her neck. Thankfully the doctors had advised that the baby doesnt have to go on surgery and that it will just heal.


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