Most Popular Names for Kitten

>> Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1. Bella
It should come as no surprise that the number-one female cat name has Twilight mania to thank for its popularity. And it's not just animals who have been influenced by Bella Swan's lady vampire - Bella is also one of the top names for human baby girls.

This name may be simple to spell and say, but it's perfect for your regal and adventurous kitten. And if your tiny cat is truly a wild thing, it accurately brings to mind the title character in Maurice Sendak's classic Where the Wild Things Are.

2. Lucy
This iconic human name - think Charlie Brown's Lucy and the much-loved I Love Lucy - has finally worked its way into the animal world.

Disney's 1988 animated film Oliver & Company stars a tiny orange kitten named (what else?) Oliver, who joins a gang of streetwise canines in New York City.

3. Kitty
Just in case you forget which species of animal you share your home with, the name Kitty will be right there to remind you.

We'd like to think that this moniker owes its popularity to the hilarious YouTube video "Charlie Bit My Finger," but it's impossible to say for sure!

4. Chloe
We're warning you now: If you name your cat Chloe, she may demand holiday gifts from her namesake, the luxurious .

This ferocious name may conjure images of a much larger animal than your tiny ball of fluff, but at least it stays true to its cat family roots!

5. Sophie
Gone are the days when we named pets Spot and Fluffy. Now we give our furry babies names traditionally reserved for human babies, like Sophie.

Is there a cuter name for a gray cat than the classic Smokey?


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