Victoria's Secret Bras Could Be Hazardous to Your Health

>> Friday, November 14, 2008

If you've had an allergic reaction to one of your Victoria's Secret bras, it looks like you're not alone!

A number of ladies from several states have filed complaints against the underwear chain for hawking allegedly flawed bras.

In fact, so many women are coming out with complaints that it looks as if Vicky may have a class action lawsuit on its hands.

That sounds expensive!

An attorney for one of the claimants says formaldehyde is making its way into Victoria's Secret bras which could explain the allergic reactions (i.e. welts and rashes) bra wearers have come down with.

Formaldehyde? Really???

Ohio resident Roberta Ritter said in her complaint, "I had the welts … very red, hot to the touch, extremely inflamed, blistery. It itched profusely. I couldn't sleep, waking up itching. I was just utterly sick."

A number of complaints similar to Roberta's have also popped up on the medical self-help site, according to reports.

Victoria's Secret responded through their PR people with this statement, "We are sorry that a small number of people have had an issue and we want to help them determine the cause… Customer safety and satisfaction are always our primary concerns and we take seriously any issues our customers may have with our products."

In regards to the formaldehyde claim, the bra seller said, "We have strict quality controls around our products, and we do not use formaldehyde in our bras."

From: Perez Hilton


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