Most Popular Houseplants on Instagram

>> Thursday, July 02, 2020

1. Echeveria (1,021,534 posts)
Any of a large genus (Echeveria) of tropical American succulent plants of the orpine family that have showy rosettes of often plushy basal leaves and axillary clusters of flowers with erect petals.

2- Crocus (517,005 posts)
Crocus is a genus of flowering plants in the iris family comprising 90 species of perennials growing from corms. Many are cultivated for their flowers appearing in autumn, winter, or spring.

3- Haworthia (444,161 posts)
Haworthia is a large genus of small succulent plants endemic to Southern Africa . Like the aloes, they are members of the subfamily Asphodeloideae and they generally resemble miniature aloes, except in their flowers, which are distinctive in appearance. They are popular garden and container plants.

4- Fuchsia Plant (419,959 posts)
The fuchsia flower is a beautiful, exotic flower with striking two-tone colors. The fuchsia flower is quite unusual with regard to its shape and the fact that they are really delicate.

5- Daffodils (332,089 posts)
The daffodil symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings. ... Though daffodils do grow in shades of white and orange, they are best known for brightening up the garden with their cheery yellow hues.

6- Swiss Cheese Plant (329,195 posts)
The Swiss cheese plant is a tropical ornamental that has aerial roots growing downwards from the stem. The roots brace against the ground or against any available support, giving Swiss cheese plant a vine-like tendency to climb if they have support.

7- Dragon Wing Begonia (306,495 posts)
Dragon Wing begonias are high-performance plants boasting loose clusters of exotic, bell-like blooms (red or pink) framed by glossy, wing-shaped leaves. These large, bold beauties are virtually carefree – they tolerate heat and humidity, and grow like crazy almost anywhere.

8- Living Stones (263,554 posts)
Living stones are unusual succulents that have evolved to resemble the pebbles and rocks that litter their native habitats through southern Africa. These very small plants hug the ground and grow extremely slowly—it can take years for a plant to fill its pots with new leaves.

9- Freesia Flower (172,855 posts)
White freesias symbolize purity and innocence. They are one of the most popular wedding flowers because they are symbolic of the purity of the bride as well as the trust between the couple. Multicolored freesia bouquets symbolize friendship and thoughtfulness.

10- Chinese Money Plant (145,220 posts)
It originally came from China and has flat round coin shaped leaves. Together these things gave rise to it's common name of the "Chinese Money Plant". Each of its lily pad like leaves float on dainty looking stems that will bob around independently in a gentle breeze.


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