Alexander Lee of My Korean Jagiya revealed that his father has liver cancer

>> Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Alexander Lee of My Korean Jagiya revealed that his father has liver cancer

지난주에 촬영이 없어서 잠시 한국에 다니러 갔었어요. 그런데 아빠께서 한국에 오셔서 종합검진을 받으셨는데 뜻밖에도 간암이 발견되었어요. 그러다 보니 정신없이 조용히 지내며 한국에 돌아온걸 알리지도 못해서 죄송해요. 다행히 아빠가 치료하고 많이 좋아지고 계시니 걱정하지 마시고 기도 많이 해주세요. 다음에 한국에 가면 다시 연락 드릴게요. 여러분, 건강 꼭 챙기세요! Last week was a very hectic week for me. Yup, ‘My Korean Jagiya’ had a one week break so I went back to Korea. Meanwhile, my parents were in Korea too for a body check-up. Unfortunately, out of our surprise, a very big surprise, we found that my dad had tumors in his liver. After doing further check-up, my dad was diagnosed with stage 3 liver cancer. (Pretty bad yea.) None of us in the family was prepared for such sh*t. That was why I wasn’t active on social media. Needed to cope with the situation and spend time with my family cuz even my sister urgently flew in to Korea. HOWEVER, we really thank God because the situation is NOT that bad. Doctors found that my dad’s cancer did not spread anywhere; cancer cells remained only at the liver. Anyway, to cut it short, this is my testimony: 1. My dad suddenly did an unplanned body check-up. If it was later, not sure if he would have survived. 2. I suddenly had a break to go back to Korea, when this sudden event happened. 3. Even with 2 large tumors (one was 10cm), my dad managed to get treatment (chemoembolisation) and is slowly recovering, even though chemo makes him really weak and in pain. In conclusion, I just wanna praise the Lord for the perfect timing. Our family is so blessed to have many relatives/friends supporting us especially in prayers. Life is short, and sh*t does happen. But I want u guys to know that everything really happens for a reason, and there is always something that God wants you to learn. As for my family, we learnt not to take each other for granted and to cherish each other more. Whatever sh*t you are facing in life now or even later in life, yes, u might be sad, angry, wind or grind or get emotional, that’s normal. But remember, always keep the faith n trust in the Lord’s big picture. (Continue next post...) #Xander #deepthoughts #testimony #honesty #Family #UnitedWeAre #BloodThickerThanWater #GodsPerfectTiming #ThyWillBeDone
A post shared by 알렉산더Alexander Lee Eusebio亞歷山大 (@xander0729) on

This experience was painful to me, and it has really changed something in me... my way of thinking of life, my mindset, my future, etc. But as long as I’m in the showbiz, I really ask God to allow me to be the light and salt; to share His love with all of you. I admit that popularity makes me feel good because it feels like an acknowledgement from the public. But honestly, I’m really not into fame, because I know that fame doesn’t make me happy n will never last long; unlike God’s words which last forever. Such unhungry nature of mine is actually considered not showbiz-suitable to survive. But I’m sure that God kept me in the showbiz for a certain purpose, and I’ll be humbly serving Him wherever He leads me. Thank you for reading this long message. If u read all, hope it’ll make u think differently too. For those whose family is suffering from sickness, I pray in Jesus’ name that you will have peace and strong faith to overcome the tough moments. What doesn’t kill u makes u stronger. Also, please cherish your family members, friends, and loved ones. Cherish them like there is no tomorrow with them, alright? Love you all and God bless.❤️ XOXO, Xander. #Xander #deepthoughts #testimony #honesty #Family #UnitedWeAre #BloodThickerThanWater #GodsPerfectTiming #ThyWillBeDone #EveryCloudHasASilverLining
A post shared by 알렉산더Alexander Lee Eusebio亞歷山大 (@xander0729) on


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