John Lloyd Cruz Continues to Date Ellen Adarna Despite Getting Flak from Netizens

>> Wednesday, September 13, 2017

John Lloyd Cruz Continues to Date Ellen Adarna Despite Getting Flak from Netizens

John Lloyd Cruz once again lets Ellen Adarna posts a video with him in social media. Despite strong criticisms by his fans after a series of videos of him getting wasted circulated online through Ellen and her friend. In line with the controversies, Star Magic Manager Johnny Manahan has released a statement in defense of the actor.

“JLC works hard as an actor... 18 hr. days at a stretch. He was just letting off some steam. In this age of an all pervasive social media, what is ok and innocent in private becomes worthlessly controversial in public. He will have learned his lesson and be more careful in the future."

On September 11, the actor apologized in his supposed Instagram account, saying: "diz iz mi lerning. very humbling but i do apologize to the little boys & girls. no regrets babies just life revealing its raw beauty.”


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