Kim Hyun Joong’s Ex-Girlfriend Was Never Pregnant

>> Wednesday, January 18, 2017

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Kim Hyun Joong‘s ex-girlfriend accusations have been found to be completely false according to the Korean Prosecutor in new findings released today.

On January 18th, South Korean media outlet OSEN revealed exclusive details that shared more insight into Kim Hyun Joong’s ongoing court case against his ex-girlfriend.

The courts have revealed that multiple statements released by Kim Hyun Joong’s ex-girlfriend, “Miss Choi” have been proven to be false.

The scandal was one of the biggest stories to break out of Korea in 2015 when the ex-girlfriend of Kim Hyun Joong announced to the public that she was beaten and abused by the idol.

Dispatch revealed a detailed timeline into the incident, back in 2015. The saga has now been ongoing for nearly 5 years, from when the two first met.

April 2012: Kim Hyun Joong meets Miss Choi through a friend and starts dating.
January 15th, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong takes up a role in drama Inspiring Generation
May 30th, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong assaults Miss Choi, and spends two weeks in hospital getting diagnosed
July 12th, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong squishes Miss Choi on the side. A obtains a bone injury and spends 6 weeks in the hospital
August 2nd, 2014: Case filed against Kim Hyun Joong
September 2nd, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong summoned for investigations
September 15th, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong apologizes publicly through
September 17th, 2014: A withdraws her charges against Kim Hyun Joong
Spetember 20th, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong appears at police station for cancellation of charges
October 2014 : Kim Hyun Joong makes a sincere apology to Miss Choi
November 2014: Kim Hyun Joong holds a surprise event for Miss Choi
November 2014: The two get back together
December 24th, 2014: Christmas trip to Jeju together
December 29th, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong and A go to the police for questioning regarding the previous case
January 2015: Kim Hyun Joong and A confirms pregnancy
January 19th, 2015: Kim Hyun Joong pays fine for the previous case

Since the initial timeline was released, additional court cases and lawsuits were filed on a continuous basis.

May 2015: Kim Hyun Joong’s ex-girlfriend files lawsuit against netizens for slander
Early May 2015: Kim Hyun Joong faces new lawsuit from ex-girlfriend for nearly $1 million USD
Mid May 2015: Kim Hyun Joong’s ex-girlfriend reportedly miscarried last year from abuse
Late May 2015: Kim Hyun Joong’s reps allege pregnancy and miscarriage claims by ex-girlfriend are without proof
June 2015: Kim Hyun Joong prepares to counter sue ex-girlfriend for at least 1.2 billion won
July 2015: Ex-girlfriend of Kim Hyun Joong announces delivery and due date for her baby
September 2015: Kim Hyun Joong’s ex-girlfriend denies his request for a DNA test

Now, according to the OSEN exclusive report the following facts have been completely fabricated and are without truth.

‘Choi’ was never pregnant.
The physical assault and abuse charges brought up by ‘Choi’ on May 2014 are false.
‘Choi’ being forced by Kim Hyung Joong to have an abortion is false.
‘Choi’ has been fabricating Kakao Talk chat conversations to create evidence against Kim Hyun Joong.
‘Choi’ never had a miscarriage – that has been found to be false.



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