Traditional Wedding Outfits

>> Thursday, November 17, 2016

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Indian Wedding
In Indian culture, pink or red wedding dresses are often the garment of choice for brides. Married woman in the north of the country can often be identified by a red dot in the middle of their forehead.

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Traditional Wedding Outfits From Around The World
Kazakhstani Bride
In a traditional Kazakh wedding, brides typically wear a headdress known as a "Saukele" as well as a facial veil. The Saukele is usually prepared long before the girls reach the age of marriage.

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Traditional weddings in Ghana are often very colorful, and each family has its own cloth pattern that features on the bride and groom's wedding outfits.

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Japanese Wedding
For a traditional Japanese wedding, the bride often wears a pure white kimono for the formal ceremony, which symbolizes purity and maidenhood. After the ceremony the bride may then change into a red kimono to symbolize good luck.

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Scottish Wedding
Men in Scotland traditionally wear the kilt of his clan for his wedding. After the ceremony, the bride wears a shawl emblazoned with her new husband's clan colors to signify her transition into his family.

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Mongolian Bride
In a traditional Mongolian wedding ceremony, the bride and the groom each wear what's known as a Deel. A Deel is a form of patterned clothing that's been worn for centuries by Mongols and other nomadic tribes in Central Asia.

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Romanian Bride From Oas Region
Weddings in Oas are an important event in the north-west part of Transylvania. The wedding is organized by the parents as well as the bride-and-groom-to-be and various different rituals are involved including the preparation of the dowry and the costumes, choosing the godparents, and preparing the wedding flag.

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Chinese Wedding
In China the colour red is considered to symbolize good luck. The colour is also believed to keep away evil spirits. It's therefore no surprise that traditional Chinese wedding outfits almost always feature the colour red.

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Indonesian Wedding
Indonesia has over 17,000 islands and so weddings here vary greatly depending on where people live and which of the 300+ ethnic groups they belong to.

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In Norway, the traditional wedding costume is called a Bunad. It can also be worn for other occasions such as christening parties.


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