Woman who looks like a living cartoon

>> Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Pixee Fox lifelong dream is to look as close to a real life cartoon as possible. While only 26 years old, the former electrician has had almost 20 cosmetic procedures to achieve her look. Last year, Pixee made headlines when she underwent surgery to remove six of her ribs.

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The rib-removal surgery took five hours six weeks of recovery to follow. However, it achieved Pixee’s dream look, changing her measurements from a 24-inch waist to a 16-inch waist.

Combined with a breast enhancement surgeries and a butt lift, Fox has gone from 30-24-34 measurements to 38-16-39 measurements

Most recently, Pixee has spent a further £4,100 on eye implants to further achieve her ‘cartoon dream’. Despite having naturally blue eyes, the model said, “This is something I have wanted since I was really young. I really wanted to have a different eye-color. I first heard about this surgery three years ago and as soon as I heard about it I knew I had to have it. The color I’ve gone for is sea green. It’s really extreme and something that you couldn’t have naturally.”

The procedure is not readily available for cosmetic use in most western countries, so Pixee flew to New Delhi to have it performed.

Pixee plans to get butt and hip implants fitted and continues her hopes in breaking the world record for the smallest waist.

From: http://www.pressroomvip.com/


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