Supernatural Season 2 Episode 10 Guest Cast

>> Saturday, April 26, 2014

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Katharine Isabelle as Ava Wilson
Ava is one of the Special Children. She was a secretary from Peoria, and was engaged to Brady, they were due to be married in eight weeks. Like Sam, her visions are also "death visions" and relate to the other Special Children.

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Richard de Klerk as Scott Carey
Scott is one of the Special Children. He tells a psychiatrist that he was visited in his dreams by a yellow-eyed man who incited him to kill the neighbor's cat. He goes on to say that the yellow-eyed man doesn't want him to stop there, possibly hinting that he had been ordered to progress to killing humans. Scott is killed by Gordon Walker, who was on a mission to kill all the Special Children after he found out they were to play a role on the side of evil in the coming war. While investigating Scott's death, Sam finds a collage composed of pictures of yellow eyes in Scott's closet.

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Samantha Ferris as Ellen Harville
Ellen is a hunter who ran a saloon in Nebraska called Harvelle's Roadhouse, which was frequented by hunters until its destruction by demons.[1] She is the widow of Bill Harvelle, who died on a hunt with John Winchester in 1995, and the mother of Jo. She was an old friend of John Winchester's, having met him at least as early as 1994, but hadn't spoken to him for a long time before his death.

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Chad Lindberg as Ash
Ash lived at the Roadhouse with Ellen and Jo. He has his own room at the Roadhouse. The sign on the door reads "Dr. Badass is:" and offers a choice of "in" and probably "out." He wears his hair in a mullet style, justifying it as "all business up front; party in the back!" According to Jo's Journal, Ash arrived at the Roadhouse in March 2001 and she refers to him as a "genius." He attended MIT before he was kicked out "for fighting." Ash drinks PBR.

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Sterling K. Brown as Gordon Walker
When Gordon was almost 18, a vampire broke into his home and attacked his sister. In the fight, Gordon was knocked unconscious. When he woke, his sister and the vampire were gone. He ran away from home, learning how to find, fight and kill vampires. He killed the vampire who attacked his sister, and also killed his sister who had been turned.
Ellen describes Gordon to Sam as a good hunter in the way that
"...Hannibal Lecter's a good psychiatrist. Look, he is dangerous to everyone and everything around him. If he's working on a job you boys just let him handle it and you move on. Gordon is proud to consider himself a killer, freely resorting to torture even when he has captured his victims. He also considers the world to be a black-and-white place, with demons and monsters as the villains and humans as the "good guys," considering that anything he does to even non-human-drinking vampires is justified simply because they aren't human.


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