Cebu, Philippines named one of five future eco-cities in asia

>> Sunday, April 06, 2014

The United National Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) has identified Cebu City as one of the future eco-cities in Southeast Asia.
Cebu City Council Nida Cabrera made this announcement after receiving an invitation to represent the city in an environmental forum on climate change mitigation in Vietnam.
As one of five future eco-cities in Southeast Asia, Cebu will host an eco-city seminar in June, with discussions focused on such subjects as transportation, water, air, housing and governance.
Four other cities in a list mentioned during a UNIDO conference in Japan last year identified Cebu City and the cities of Pintan in China, Iskandar in Malaysia, Map Ta Phut in Thailand, and Da Nang in Vietnam as future eco-cities.
Taizo Nishikawa, UNIDO’s Deputy to the Director General, said an eco-city is a city with all dimensions of urban sustainability, meaning improved environment, social cohesion and economic efficiency.
The UNIDO says an eco-city represents a hub of knowledge and experience that is of real value for cities around the world. “There is a need to invest in creating cooperative networks that cut across traditional territorial boundaries,” the UN body said.
UNIDO is the UN’s specialized agency for the promotion of industrial development, poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability.



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