Kim Dan of N.E.X.T.'s Attempts Suicide and is stopped by the police

>> Friday, August 30, 2013

Former drummer for band N.EX.T, Kim Dan, tried to commit suicide but was stopped by police.

According to the Mapo Police Agency, Kim Dan tried to jump off Mapo Bridge at 11:19 p.m. on August 28, but failed after police caught up with him.

Police sent Kim Dan to his girlfriend.

In April 2012, Kim Dan had made his acquaintances concerned by disappearing after writing on a social network, "Yeah. So my life wasn't entirely worthless. Thanks, everyone. I know not everyone has memories like these. I'm sure I've been blessed. I'm leaving behind a good~ life."

He was found four days later at the time.

Kim Dan was previously a member of N.EX.T, which had members Shin Hae Chul, Ji Hyun Soo, Kim Se Hwang and Jade.



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