Worst Incident about Food

>> Friday, May 17, 2013

* In June of 2001, 22-year-old Angelina Cruz bit into a burger from Burger King–and got pricked in the tongue by a syringe. Citing HIV fears, she sued the chain for 9 million.

* A Baltimore man was eating fried chicken from Popeye’s in September of 2003 when he discovered that the fast food store had inadvertently fried a mouse along with the chicken parts.

* In a Ohio Arby’s in June 2007, a man found a piece of human skin sitting on the lettuce in his chicken sandwich. The man sued, refusing a settlement that Arby’s initially offered him.

* A 62 year old British man found a gold tooth in his Mars bar.

* In 2006, a 52-year-old man from Illinois sued Kraft Foods for 55,000 to compensate for the physical and emotional distress he suffered after allegedly biting into a “non-human animal tooth” in a container of Planter’s Peanuts.

* A New York woman sued a sushi bar after she tasted semen in the sauce atop her spicy tuna in June 2008 she says she still has samples frozen in her refrigerator. On a side note, hehe, she knows what semen tastes like.

* Olivia Chaines had swallowed a piece of a Hebrew National brand hotdog in the shopping aisle of a Costco before she realized that it contained a piece of metal. X-rays revealed that the hot dog had contained a live bullet.

* At the height of the Beijing Olympics, reporters pounced on the Chinese food industry after athletes found paperclips in muffins served them at an official function.

* In 2009, a man from Bath, UK found a dead mouse in a loaf of bread.

* A dieting woman found a live caterpillar crawling on a Weight Watchers-brand slice of packaged cake in June 2011. She called it gross enough to put her off of cake forever.

* Cancer survivor Susan Mosher was outraged after she found human blood on her BLT and fries at a Cracker Barrel in Kingwood, TX, in late June of 2011.

* A couple found a disembowled mouse in their Dole packaged salad mix in June 2011. They’d already started eating the salad by the time they found the meal-breaker, they promptly vomited.

* An upstate New York man found a bloody band-aid in baked crust of his Pizza Hut pizza in June of 2011. He sued after the company failed to address his concerns.

* A Chinese woman found a fly in her yogurt in July 2011. When she asked for compensation, the manufacturer asked her to prove that the fly had died before she opened the container — by getting the insect autopsied.

* Louisiana woman Mary Deal Chambers-Johnson sued Applebee’s for damages after she claimed a fingertip in her lunch salad gave her post-traumatic stress disorder.

* A grocery store worker pleaded guilty to handing out a semen-tainted yogurt sample at an Albuquerque market.

* A deputy sheriff alleges that someone spit in his Whopper…and the case has made it to the Supreme Court as of January 2012.

* In January 2011, a mouse got trapped in a bag of Big Mac buns at a Philadelphia McDonald’s.

* In January 2012, fifty-year-old bus driver Lajzer Grynsztajn claims he nearly choked to death on such a coil after ordering two chicken breasts and fries from JFK Fried Chicken in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.

* Andrew Brodsky, 35, found an unidentified animal toe in his container of Sabra Spinach Artichoke dip.

* In March 2012, a woman claims she found a McFeather in her McNugget.


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