Man sues wife for her fake beauty

>> Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Jian Feng and his wife (who’s still unnamed despite her picture being beamed across websites around the world) got pregnant with their first child. The man described his daughter as ‘incredibly ugly’ when she was born and said she resembled neither him nor his wife. And so Jian began to accuse her of cheating on him. After months of false accusations, Jian’s wife couldn’t take the strain any more and decided to come clean – no, she hadn’t had an affair, but the reason their daughter looked nothing like her was because in fact she’d spent $100,000 on dozens of plastic surgery procedures to transform her looks. Only she’d never told her husband about her little makeover. Her husband (now ex) has taken her to court and won a $120,000 settlement for being duped by her ‘fake’ beauty.


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