Tongue bite girlfriend faces jail

>> Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A woman who bit off her boyfriend's tongue during a drunken birthday kiss has been told she faces jail.

Tracy Davies, 40, bit off a third of Mark Coghill's tongue after telling him "you never give me smoochy kisses any more".

Each had drunk a bottle of vodka before the attack at his flat in Jesmond, Newcastle, in October.

Davies was convicted of grievous bodily harm but cleared of the same charge with intent at Newcastle Crown Court.

The jury heard that the couple were celebrating Mr Coghill's birthday when Davies grew upset because she was not pregnant.

As Mr Coghill, 45, moved to comfort her, she asked him to kiss her, the court heard.
They kissed and she bit down hard on his tongue, causing him to scream, and he tapped her on the head, hoping she would let go.

He said: "Then when she did stop, she opened her mouth and looked at me in such a way that I have never seen anyone do before."

Mr Coghill said he could see part of his tongue inside her mouth.

He said: "She let out a satisfaction sound, like if you have a cup of tea when you haven't had one for a few days.

"A 'mmmm' sound."

She then spat it on the floor, he said.

Taste buds

Davies later called paramedics, who alerted police, and when arrested she told officers: "You're joking."

Mr Coghill was treated at Newcastle General Hospital, but surgeons decided the risk of infection was too high to consider reattaching the torn tongue.

The former customer service adviser was no longer fit to work, struggled to speak and had lost many of his taste buds, the court heard.

Judge John Evans adjourned the case for three weeks to allow for pre-sentence reports.

He granted Davies bail, but warned she would be jailed.



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