Woman Breaks Plastic Surgery World Record to Look Like Barbie

>> Thursday, November 13, 2008

Talk about “plastic” surgery (cue the sitcom laugh track): A 49-year-old British woman (and self-proclaimed “Real Life Barbie”) Sarah Burge has broken the world record for cosmetic procedures (she's had more than 100) in an effort to turn herself into a living doll. Her actions trump the previous record-holder, our own stateside “Barbie” Cindy Jackson, who also says her surgery obsession is spurred by her desire to look like the iconic Mattel toy. (FYI Jackson now seems to make a living through sales of her autobiography and microdermabrasion products, among other things) Now, I’m no doctor but…

I would think that this Barbie-copying business could be a sign of body dysmorphic disorder, where your perception of your physical appearance becomes very distorted. Granted, I could be wrong and these surgery fiends--with their good "I wanted to look just like Barbie-and now I do!" line--could just be incredibly PR-savvy. Either way, what really stumps me is why anyone would want to look like a plastic doll at all--she’s a toy, people! Why you’d tinker with yourself (and spend more than $800,000 as Burge has) to look more like what is essentially an inanimate object is beyond me. (This kind of behavior makes wrinkle-reduction surgery seem tame in comparison!)

by: Girls in the Beauty Department, Glamour Magazine
From: yahoo


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