Could terrorist tweets be next?

>> Thursday, October 30, 2008

Social networking just got a little more dangerous. At least, that's what a draft intelligence report from the U.S. Army speculates.

The report, compiled by the Army's 304th Military Intelligence Battalion, outlines the possible ways in which militants could use technology, including Twitter and cellphone software, to coordinate terrorist efforts.

Analysts base their suspicion on observation of Al-Qaeda-affiliated online message boards, which laud the potential for militants to use cameras and GPS technology on cellphones, as well as voice-modification software to conceal identity when making calls.

The report goes on to speculate possible scenarios in which militants could take advantage of Twitter to send messages to one another and even hack into U.S. soldiers' Twitter accounts. It notes that activists used Twitter as a counter surveillance tool at the Republican National Convention.

Though Army intelligence has yet to track down evidence that terrorists are in fact using Twitter to their advantage, intelligence analysts at the Federation of the American Scientists admit that it is something to keep in mind.



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